Say what you want about him but you can not deny that the man has talent. Not only is his music pure genius, but his writing is too (well I guess that's a given, since he writes his own songs), but still. I've read a lot of his fan blog lately, and no, I never thought I would be one of those people, but it's very interesting and entertaining! Now..... all that's left to do is meet him....
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Lazy Sunday
Today has been a great day for lots of reasons. I woke up really early for someone like myself (maybe it only seemed that way because we lost an hour to day light savings), and went to stake conference. The meeting was great, and I couldn't help but dream of home in 2 weeks with my family. In only a week and a half I'll get to see Joey! Whoop! Second reason today was sweet (ha ha pun) was because of..... food!! Duh what else? Actually, I can't really call it food, or else I would have a major sugar headache and food baby if I ate this for a meal. I was browsing through Annie's Eats cooking blog and saw these cupcakes that looked delicious, decided to make them, and what do ya know... they were. I'm always worried about trying new recipes and whether or not they'll turn out right, so when I took the first bite, it was one of these scenarios: chew.... chew..... mmmmmm yup, that's good. They are called "Snickerdoodle" cupcakes, and something with a name like that will never disappoint you, flavor wise.
So I took a picture of them with some real snickerdoodles.
Now that I'm on my way to professional pastry making (and photography of course), I'll go and enjoy the rest of my Sunday. :)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
March is going to be great.
Many of the past few months have seemed so busy and eventful since being at college, but I know that March, by far, will school the other months in craziness. Let me shed a little light on how this is so...

Then, if you add in school, there are a trillion midterms and tests I've had to take in only the past week. Who knows how many more are to come, as the semester finishes up.

It started off with the Joshua Radin concert that roommate Allie Brown and I went to. The concert was amazing, and such a needed breath of fresh air in the middle of a stressful week.
Here's a pic of us with the man, J Rad.

Then, if you add in school, there are a trillion midterms and tests I've had to take in only the past week. Who knows how many more are to come, as the semester finishes up.
I've been playing on an intramural soccer team with a friend from my soccer team last semester, and we have been having a blast. What's even cooler is my brother Daniel got to join the team and the fun. I MISS SOCCER SO MUCH and love being able to kick a ball around every once in a while, even if it means a few bruises and scuffed knees from the turf. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
More importantly, there is a certain brother, who is coming home from his mission in less than 2 weeks and I can not bloomin wait to see his happy RM face, and give him a huge hug. I seriously was just a little 16 year old baby when he left, and feel like time has just flown by since. I can't wait to have my best friend back and make some more good laughs with him. Love him so much.
Not only does broseph come home from his mission, but 3 days later, my beautiful and amazing sister, Angela Mooney will become Mrs. Angela McAferty and I couldn't be more happy for her. I get to fly home on the Friday before and see everyone and be there for Annie's wedding. For the first time in 2+ years, every member in our family will be together, and in celebration of Annie's wedding. I'm so lucky to have them.
This is the greatness of March, and I can't wait to experience it! And, judging by the eventful weeks that are to come, the rest of March is destined to be great.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
I'm new at this
I am not a follower. I like the way I live, and I like it to be characteristic of me, and not after the manner of another person/trend.... buuuuut, I made the exception. I made one of these huuur things. A blog. I'm not entirely sure how to use one, or when I'll ever get around to keep it bompin, but I'd figure I'd try it out. And just for the sake of having one (and to convince myself I'm not following the crowd), I'll try to keep it as original as possible, the 100%, not watered down version, all Chris you can get. In the mean time, enjoy my random thoughts and whims. They are plentiful.
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