Sunday, May 22, 2011

What I call home.

I have been very bad with the blogging recently.  Oh well.  Certainly not an area for me to brag.  BUT!  I will simply refresh you on what has happened since last blog.

One:  I turned nineteen.  What a day!  My friends all threw me a kingly birthday, filled with good food,
inside jokes,

 outrageous outfits,
 and together time that makes me feel most loved.
 It truly was the best day.  Oh, not to mention, I took my two hardest finals as well (Immabeast)

Two:  I finished school, and moved home!  Arizona was my destination, and no one could interfere.  I was coming home.  I have been home since the 23rd of April, and have been up to no good *like always* ..... I'm such the daredevil, I know.

Three:  iWork.  Holycow.  I knew lifeguarding was going to be tough, and take up the majority of my life, but did not expect the bossyness of it!  It's taken over my life!  I teach, I coach, I guard, I get certified!  ... all while getting paid, thank goodness!  It is a joy to be doing something while at home, but it is keeping me very busy to say the least.

Four:  I'm not sure what else!  Is that sad or what?  I mean I guess theres lots more going on, but what more to say?!  haha this summer will be a lot of work.  That's the simplest way to put it.  But it will certainly PAY OFF.