Friday, June 10, 2011


It is a curious thing, dating.  A few friends from school and I have often pondered our history on the subject and how we are just so...... well, "unlucky".  What's not to like about a cute fun and interesting 19 year old girl, who may have a lot of personality?  We sure don't know.  
It was until I read this article. Sarcasm at it's finest. One that I swear was meant for my eyes.  Now considering all the statistical probabilities of finding a guy of genuine personality, attractiveness, and intelligence, I see why I'm still seeking Mr..... Okay.  That is why I say hmph.  

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Respect the lady in the suit!

Here's me in a nutshell.
Except maybe not so glamorous.  And not in such a cool looking chair.  Or binoculars.  Creep.  

But just like this girl, I too look authoritative in that sexy one piece.  I mean, once I put that glorified onesie on, I don't let nothing stop me.  Respect the lady in the suit!